I do know there are a few people who check in on this blog once in a while. So, I thought I would post an update.
I unfortunately will not be able to attend the games this year. Mostly due to financial reasons along with not having anyone available to attend them with me as a support to me. Bryan's school schedule is that to where he would not be able to go and most of both our families have events in their lives that conflict. I understand, therefore I am just more determined to make it to the 2012 games and 'hopefully' they will be a little more West Coast :)
Other than that, not too much to update. I had a great time while I was in IDaho the last few weeks and got some horse back riding in. It is warming up (90's) in Phoenix and therefore I will be hitting the pool soon. I really need to bust my butt and get back into a routine. How easy it is to skip a day which can quickly become weeks, then even months :)
I have a scheduled 'post-transplant check-up' in Pittsburgh the second week in May. . so I really need to kick it into gear and get into tip top shape for that~