Got this from a friends blog. . .STAY MOTIVATED! *Pause music player first

Daily Progress Blog Entries:

P90X Half Way There!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Have to get used to my bike


It's weird to be back on a bicycle again. It's been YEARS!! I was noticing I am a bit awkward on my bike. I had to laugh at myself because as a child I LIVED on my bike. As kids we spend soooo much time riding our bikes everywhere we go that we practically become 'one with the bike'~ Not Anymore :) Baby steps. . . I just did maybe 2 miles around our block and apartment complex. My thighs were burning. I have a LONG way to 16 miles or whatever the sprint is. Next week I am going to start the workout schedule I found online. My triceps are still a little sore, my calves are a slightly better and my abs still hurt to sit up. Ahhhh what great feelings :)

*I would also like to point out that Jennifer hasn't posted her workout in at least a day or so :) I do want to point out that the workout schedule does say to take 2 days off every week and take the last week of the month easy. Good thing too, I won't feel guilty when I don't work out those two days!

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