Got this from a friends blog. . .STAY MOTIVATED! *Pause music player first

Daily Progress Blog Entries:

P90X Half Way There!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 4. . Yoga X

Today was Yoga X or lets say "torture" not just physically. I have never really done much Yoga, and I realized why today. . . .cuz I find it slow, monotonous and frankly I am not sure I have the patience for it. I got through about 45 minutes of the hour+ workout. . . . it could be partly due to my caffeine withdrawal. I have not drank a Diet Dew for about 2 days now. My head is pounding and my fuse is short. I can feel I am on edge. I was going to try to cut soda/caffeine while doing the P90X to get maximum results. I'm just not sure if I 100% committed to doing both at the same time :) Diet Mnt Dew will be my reward for kicking butt on my workout. Don't get me wrong I don't drink a TON of soda. For the most part I drink about one can of Diet Dew a day.

So day 4 down. . . .didn't go all that well, but I did all I could take (for today).

1 comment:

  1. I've done some of the P90X workouts, and I feel the same way about yoga. I hated it, because I got so bored. I don't have the patience for yoga! ha
